Advisory Services
Simply transforming recruiting processes will not eliminate operational barriers.
Leveraging data, technology, and process systems alone, without considering the full
context, will not produce the desired recruiting results.

Would the ability to enlist top-tier and highly skilled people, be a competitive advantage?
Recruiting is not only about hiring new employees; it can be more strategic by understanding how to forecast and optimize the workforce. Leverage internal job rotation and transfer of current employees who could be trained, upskilled, or reskilled to take on the new roles. Building an internal skill repository reduces the dependency of external recruiting, while it increases the speed to market, as internal recruits have the
shortest learning curve.
Each distinct job position needs to be identified and a thorough description of the duties and required competencies created. The expertise levels have to be confirmed and modified based on compensation benchmarks. This process would also establish the lead time necessary to on-board a resource.
Conducting a thorough analysis of business operations is needed to develop performance metrics for recruiting functions. Determining staffing needs, including comprehending fluctuations and cost plans, linking training progression to productivity and revenue, all give information to gauge the quality of recruitment and cost per recruit.

Defining Job Roles
Crafting and outlining job descriptions necessitates a thorough examination of projected results and the value they bring. Each result factor needs to be dissected into corresponding skills, which are then classified as either hard skills or soft skills/behavioral skills. A continuum is employed to gauge the necessary proficiency levels, which are then aligned with the cost index to establish appropriate compensation brackets. Generating comprehensive job descriptions involves building a repository of skills. A validation procedure is implemented to ascertain proficiency standards. Over- or under-skilling can greatly affect business operations and expenses. The validation process is thorough and must be conducted periodically due to frequent role adjustments.

Scoring An Assessment
One of the hurdles in recruitment is crafting a comprehensive evaluation and assigning a score. Hiring managers typically interview multiple candidates before deciding. Composing an evaluation and scoring the interview enables the hiring manager to make a decision afterward. However, writing an evaluation is challenging, and assigning a score is even more so. Frequently, hiring managers opt for a cautious approach, choosing the middle ground and assigning an average score, while noting that the candidate meets the necessary skill and proficiency levels for the role. Assessments are crucial for fostering early engagement and crafting training plans to enhance the resource's productivity in the shortest time frame feasible. For hiring managers to compose detailed evaluations, the job description must be thorough and precise. The evaluation criteria should outline the necessary hard skills and competencies. Hiring managers need training to recognize indicators for each skill and competency to assign scores accurately. Consistency in scoring across different hiring managers' evaluations is essential, ensuring uniformity or acceptable deviation in scores even with varying interviewers.

Developing Recruitment Metrics and Yardsticks
Implementing systems and procedures is ineffective without measuring outcomes. Establishing performance metrics and measurement criteria is crucial. This involves identifying key deliverables for the business; for instance, turnaround time might be critical. Therefore, a metric could be the number of days needed to onboard a new hire, but early onboarding could increase the carrying costs, while delays could lead to revenue loss for the business. Here are a few indicative metrics: 1. Turn-around time : The number of days taken to on-board a new hire. 2. Quality : The ability to clear all process and product trainings in the first attempt. 3. Productivity : The time required to be fully productive and integrated into the system. 4. Stability : Percentage of new hires who leave in the 90 – 180 or 180+ day brackets. Early attrition is often attributed to poor recruiting capability. 5. Cost per hire : Fully loaded cost would include direct and indirect costs. Efficient and smart recruiting operations often have the lowest costs. 6. Cost of compensation : The percentage deviation from the budgeted salary for the role.